Friday, January 19, 2007


Discuss briefly your overall impression of today. What personal goals have you set for yourself as a result of today's activities?

Take me to your Leader.

What qualities made you choose your leader?

Straw Tower

What was the most difficult aspect of working in a group to build your straw tower?

Career Exploration

What did you find out in your career research that surprised you? Based on your research today have you changed your mind about what career you may want to persue? Why or why not?

Who Am I?

What did you learn that surprised you during the Who Am I? (paperbag) activity?

Organization is the Key.

What did the calendar activity show you about prioritization and leadership?

What do we have in common?

Many times leaders encounter team members that are very different from them. Discuss how you, as a leader, may work to overcome these differences.

Birthday Line-Up

How important do you feel good communication is after the Birthday Line-Up activity?